Emergency Dentist in Vienna, VA

If your child experiences a dental emergency, the best thing you can do is contact us immediately. We can advise you on first aid actions to take and whether or not your child needs immediate treatment to protect his or her oral health.

Call (703) 821-2222 Now!

Below are the most common dental emergencies we’ve encountered along with our recommendations on what to do next:

Chipped teeth: Try to locate the chipped fragment and bring it with the child to our office. Use a cold compress to reduce pain.

Dislodged teeth: If a tooth was moved or loosened but not knocked out, don’t try to move it back into place. Bring the child to our office as quickly as you can.

Knocked out teeth: If you can bring your child and the tooth to our office within 30 minutes of the injury, there is a chance we can reposition the tooth in its socket. Only touch the tooth by the enamel, not the root. Gently rinse it (if it’s dirty) and store it in cold milk or saliva. Do not wash off the tooth with soap. See us as soon as possible or head for the nearest emergency room.

Toothache: Rinse the child’s mouth and inspect it to make sure nothing is caught between the teeth. Use a cold compress to relieve pain. A children’s pain reliever may be taken orally. Of course, contact our office as soon as you can.

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